Sustainability at 3D-basics

Not just a promise but a commitment.

Our Path does not end at Carbon neutral. We commit to 10x carbon negative!
Reduce > Reuse > Recycle > Compensate

Overall more than 576 tons CO₂ have been compensated.


Avoid any unnecessary pollution or waste

The first step in our commitment is to reduce our overall carbon emissions. We have made a lot of progress in this area over the last few months. All lighting elements have been changed to low Energy LED panels for reduced energy consumption and a better work environment. Most of our raw materials are shipped in reusable bulk containers to eliminate unnecessary waste. Custom cardboard boxes for packaging eliminate the need for unnecessary packaging materials.


Use products, materials, and packaging again.

 We have analyzed our waste streams to identify what could be reused. For example, the packaging material we receive is whenever possible reused to package our goods. Most of our raw materials are delivered in reusable bulk containers. Furthermore, we are exploring ways to incorporate a deposit system for packages and bottles. 


The material becomes as good as new.

We set ourselves the goal of setting up the first recycling platform for additive manufacturing chemicals and consumables. Therefore, extending the lifespan of valuable raw materials and preventing incineration of hundreds of tonnes each year.

For the beginning, this service will be offered for TPM and PGDA Wash Solvents and resin bottles and cartridges. Sign up for our Newsletter and a meeting to learn more about this project.


Carbon negative with the United Nations

Offsetting is a climate action to compensate for the emissions we cannot avoid, by supporting worthy projects that reduce emissions somewhere else.

We have partnered with the United Nations platform for voluntary cancellation of certified emission reductions. The United Nations provides a platform for trustworthy climate-friendly projects that passed a strict and thorough vetting process. The offsets issued are recorded and tracked in the Kyoto Protocol's registry system.

For us, Carbon neutrality was the aim but in the process, we figured we could do more. Therefore we will offset 10kg Carbon for every 1kg of product sold. This CO2 offset is achieved through the bi-weekly purchase of certified emission reductions (CERs) from the United Nations Carbon offset platform. Track our progress.